A Heart of Gratitude


At some point in the dark of night, the only light in the cave was the moonlight seeping in around the edges of the door, Elreth woke feeling cold. 

She blinked and it took a moment to remember where she was, but she sat up to find her bearings, then reached over for Aaryn… but found only cold fur.

Frowning, she pulled the top fur around her as she slipped off the platform and shuffled through the cave, shivering.

Where was Aaryn? Was he sick?

Hurrying for the door, she swung it wide and rushed out, to find him standing just a few feet outside, naked and bathed in moonlight, staring at the river that gurgled and hummed, the music to their "honeymoon."

"Are you okay?" she asked worriedly, rushing forward to wrap her arms around him, and the fur.