Going Silent - Part 2


He hated it. Hated knowing that Tarkyn, running behind him, could have shifted and overtaken him at any moment he chose. He could have just rolled past him on powerful leonine legs and clawed him into submission if he'd wanted to. Or just gotten in front of him and stopped him from moving where he wanted. But he didn't.

Fucking Captain of the Guard just kept pace with him, calling for him to stop, that they would help, that his mother needed him. But Aaryn wondered if Tarkyn knew just how oblivious Reth could be. If he knew just how arrogant the Lion King could be when he thought he had all the answers.

What had he said to Aaryn's mother?

What the fuck had he done?

Ignoring Tarkyn for the entire journey, he sprinted through the wood until the reached the royal meadow and straight to their tree.