Going Silent - Part 3


Aaryn raised a finger to point at Reth's broad chest. Fucking King who thought he knew everything and got everything right. "You and I both know that you've told people they aren't necessary before," he rasped. "I thought you learned your lesson then, but apparently not!" he spat.

Reth sucked in a deep breath. "That was… that was in anger. I gave in to frustration. I never meant it—and you know that."

"You think just because you're mad, people don't hear you, Reth? You think it doesn't land when you snarl something at someone? You?! Guess what? You're wrong! Fucking Reth Orstas Hyerhyn, mister fucking perfect got it wrong. Do you hear me? You were wrong then, and you're wrong now!"

"Aaryn, what are you talking about?" Elia said, her voice high and breaking with her tears. "Reth isn't angry at you or your mother…"