Going Silent - Part 4


Elreth sat in the Security Council—again—and she wanted to bite something. Too many of these decisions hinged on Aaryn or Tarkyn. And the rest seemed… less important.

As they finally circled around to whether to send a disformed after Hholdyn, she finally spoke up. "My brother has an established relationship with these Anima. I'd like to speak with him about going after Hholdyn before I ask any of the disformed," she said firmly.

"Is Gar even here?" Lhern asked dryly.

She shot him a look. "Yes. When we're done here I'll visit his tree."

"Take a wet blanket suffocate the flames he'll breathe if you wake him," one of the younger members quipped and everyone chuckled. Elreth tried to smile—torn between knowing it's a joke she might have made herself, and standing in defense of her brother whom she knew, despite his faults, was working harder than any of them had realized.