The Moment that Changed Everything


"I didn't do anything," Gar growled. "It's my old cave, the one I used for a couple years when things got tough with my dad. When I needed a break. I'd go out there and hide and drink and… anyway, there's nothing there that's bad. But if her scent is there too, and they smell me like Hholdyn did—he said it was faint, but he scented me. And hers is faint too, so…"

Aaryn gaped. "You want me to believe it's just a coincidence that this human found your cave, Gar? No one else found it, no hunters, no Anima patrols… just this unknown human? You want me to believe that?" His voice had gotten very quiet and Gar's eyes flared with the recognition of challenge, his own dominance yearning to fight.