The Story of Gar's Heart


Aaryn was still frozen in shock around the corner in the entry to the cave, listening for the moment when Reth and Gar would actually try to kill each other.

Gar's voice was tumbling deeper—a sign he was ready to shift—and the sound of hands on chests, of feet shuffling into fighting stance made Aaryn nervous. Would he intervene if they actually came to blows?

But he'd never had to make the decision. Reth had roared at his son to show some respect, and Gar had laughed.

"You're so fucking used to being adored. Fucking worshipped, Dad! Well guess what? I live with you! I know the real you. And you aren't are perfect as they all think. So you can walk out there and believe the ass lickers if you want, but I don't!"

"I never claimed to be perfect, Gar, and you know it."