Changing of the Guard - Part 1


The back tunnel of the disformed cave was darker than the main cave because there was no natural light, and they generally only left one or two lanterns lit.

Blinking out of the memory of that awful fight between Reth and Gar, Aaryn stared at Gar in the low light, not for the first time aware of Gar's sheer size, the heaviness of his brows and the tense strength of his body.

The younger male stared back, his face taunt and wary.

"Did Reth ever apologize?" Aaryn asked, more softly than he felt.

"Several times. Too little, too late. He'd been thinking that stuff for a long time. It was kind of relief to get him to admit it, honestly."

Aaryn shook his head. "He doesn't talk about you like that when you're not there."