Always Here


She'd tried their cave, and the disformed cave. There were several gathered there—Gar looked like a flustered mother hen trying to keep track of several of the young females. Elreth grinned and didn't call him away. Robbe told her Aaryn had left an hour earlier.

"Was he… okay?" she asked hesitantly, uncertain what Aaryn would have told them.

Robbe's lips thinned. "Honestly, he seemed like someone who was pretending to be okay. Did he… did he tell you where he's been? What's been going on?" Robbe glanced over his shoulder at Gar and the others.

Elreth nodded. "I wasn't sure if he told you guys."

Robbe looked relieved. "It was kind of hard to miss. But I am worried about him. He needs all of us around right now, I think. Especially you."