Just Us


His mate was so beautiful. What had he done to deserve her? Nothing, that was the answer. But he thanked the Creator for her.

She sat next to him, turned to watch him, her beautiful copper-colored hair twisted back into a thick braid. But she'd been running and shifting, so tendrils had fallen loose to drift around her face.

Her freckles were numerous, but a thin kind of brown that seemed to almost blend into the rest of her skin. And her blue eyes sparkled—glowed—except they glowed now with concern for him. And the threat of tears.

"Don't worry," he whispered. "I'm not going anywhere. I just… it's just been a lot today. I needed to get away."

She nodded, but her frown deepened. "Other than your mom… was there anything else?"

Aaryn went cold. He wasn't ready to tell her yet. He wasn't sure how she was going to react, and he didn't know how he'd take it if she got angry just then. But he didn't want to lie either.