Just Keep Going


It took a while for his heart to slow. He kept his face in Elreth's neck for longer than he should have—until she started worrying, kneading the back of his neck and whispering reassurance. But he braced himself, then raised his head to kiss her, slowly, softly.

She was anxious about walking back to the cave with her shirt torn, but since he'd gotten the top buttons undone first there was at least enough of them to keep her covered. As she walked the lower halves of the shirt flapped open to reveal her stomach and Aaryn's body tightened again. His appetite for her still unsated. But even that felt… off. As if his body drove him towards her, not just his heart.

He shook his head and took her hand, twining their fingers as they walked. He loved his mate. She was the only bright spot in his life just then. He more than loved her, he adored her. And he wanted her. That was natural.