Around and Around We Go


Tarkyn wolfed down a sandwich and some fruit while they waited for the rest of the security council and the elders to arrive. Elreth caught up quickly with Lhern to confirm that the Portal was under guard. She noticed that Huncer was almost the last to arrive, and didn't seek her out. Things felt suddenly uneasy between them. She prayed it was only a bad day, or Huncer—who had always been a little bit reserved—was just feeling the need to keep her distance emotionally while these very important decisions were made.

Elreth suddenly realized she'd barely seen Gwyn since they got back from their honeymoon. She almost asked Huncer, but just then, Lhern called everyone to pay attention and Tarkyn swallowed the last of his meal, brushing crumbs off his leathers as he stood to address them.

Next to her, Aaryn was tense and silent. She was uneasy about him as well. But at least with Aaryn she understood why.