In a New Light


Watching her brother talk about this was humbling. There was something different in him—something more steady. He was still Gar, but this Gar was sure of himself, protective, and thoughtful. It was like all the things she'd loved about her brother came to the front, and that juvenile, stupid streak in him had faded to the back.

It was humbling. Aaryn's words the night before echoed in her head and Elreth could see that he was right. Really right. That even though her brother had issues, it was clear that here and now—doing this—was where he was supposed to be. That he was strong and smart and wise and… and a lot more like their father than she'd ever given him credit for being.

Elreth swallowed this uncomfortable truth and regretted that he'd never thought he could show this side of himself to her before.