The Portal

(Posted 23 Dec) MERRY CHRISTMAS! Thank you for your support this year! To say thank you, enjoy 5 chapters tonight as my gift to you!



His head was spinning by the time they reached the portal clearing.

The trail at this point was wide, almost as wide as a road. The trees had become further and further spaced apart for the previous mile, but they opened up completely and the trail faded out into a clearing, smattered with thickets of trees and bushes, a creek running off to their right and an outcropping of rock from the foothills of the mountain on their left. The very benign looking cave mouth lined with vines and creepers squatted within it.

Aaryn wondered if Elreth had noticed how quiet her parents had become as they'd approached this spot.

When they stepped out of the trees, Reth had come to a slow stop—Elia with him, both their faces flat, their eyes distant.