[Bonus chapter] Don't Be Reckless - Part 1


The authority in her father's voice was unexpected. As was the prickling anger that bloomed in her chest when she heard it. Her instinct was to stifle it, to give her father his due as her father, ignoring their roles in the people.

But then Elreth remembered why they were there and what she had to do.

She turned slowly, taking her father's eyes as he stepped forward from the others and opened his mouth, like he was going to warn her again.

"Stand down," she said with quiet conviction, the cave echoing with her Alpha power. Her father stopped in his tracks, but his face went hard. Elreth shook her head. "I love you, Dad, but you are not King anymore. I am. And I'm here to learn, and to protect my people. You're here because I invited you, because I want you to learn too. But you do not give me orders."

Her father blinked. He didn't step forward, and he didn't speak.

He also didn't back down.