No Doubt

MERRY CHRISTMAS! (Or, Happy Holidays if you're not a Christmas celebrator.) Tomorrow there will be an FIVE CHAPTER mass release as my thank-you to YOU. Thank you for sticking with me this year! Thank you for giving your time and emotion to my books and my characters. And thank you for loving Aaryn and Elreth with me. You're a joy. I hope there is a lot of love in your life this week!



Aaryn and Elreth stood behind the wings of the stage, awaiting the last of the elders arriving to take their places before they would address the people. Chairs had been set up for the elders in two rows so they could be seen by any of the Anima in the bowl below. As Aaryn peered out between the wings looking at the levels—the flat, circular expanse of grass beneath the stage, then levels rising from that up and out, wide and longer, until the mound of the highest level was higher than the stage itself.