[Bonus chapter] Hard to Breathe

It's Reth's Birthday (Anniversary?) this Sunday! If you'd like to join me for the LIVE voicechat with Reth Merch giveaways, and some fun surprises, visit linktr.ee/aimeelynn and join my discord chat. The event will be there at 1pm PST, Sunday, 6 February (Los Angeles date and time!) See you there! (This message added after publication so you aren't charged for the words.) 



The crowd below her in the amphitheater bubbled like a boiling pot with shock and unease.

Elreth raised her hands. "I understand that the Rite is rare, but the time has come to acknowledge that the disformed do not lack, they add to the Anima. Their purpose is unique—the chance to pursue that as an established tribe is not only their right, but it benefits all of us—"

"If the prophecy is even true! It was given by a disformed! Very convenient!" a voice called from the crowd.