Not the Time


Alarmed when she saw Gar's hands clench to fists, knowing what a knife-edge Gar walked before he'd give in to his temper, Elreth stood. Aaryn's hand appeared on her shoulder immediately holding her back from approaching the two who looked like they were a hairsbreadth from shifting and going for each other's throats. But she didn't need to touch them to stop them.

With a roar of her own that stilled everyone in the room, Elreth stood, staring, waiting for both males to get their heads together.

But neither of them took their eyes off of the other, and a growl puttered deep in Gar's chest that would have had a lesser male cowering.

"Gar," Elreth said sharply.

The growl cut off, but he didn't stop staring his challenge to the Tarkyn. "No prejudice," Gar muttered. "No prejudice you said. Let them show their strengths."