Alpha vs. Alpha


Tarkyn nodded once and raced from the room as if afraid Elreth would change her mind. But it was Gar that Aaryn left his eyes on.

The massive leonine whirled on his sister and roared, "Call him back! You can't—"

"Stand down, Gar," Elreth snarled, and Aaryn was certain Gar was seeing her lion eyes. "I agree with you that the risks are there. I wouldn't choose it this way, but if we do not understand how they're entering, we cannot stop more from coming. It doesn't matter how much we learn about what they'd doing if we watch them while an army of humans forms at our backs!"

Gar shuddered with the urge to submit, but he gritted his teeth and fought it. The room was painted in tension, everyone present holding their collective breaths. Aaryn was vaguely aware of Reth shifting in his seat, his hand tightening on Elia's, but neither of them spoke as their offspring faced off.