Just a Damn Second


"No one said she was free," Elreth growled at her brother.

Gar seemed to swell in front of them, but Aaryn could see the male holding himself back, reminding himself to stay calm. Aaryn gave him the warning eye, but he tensed, too. This wasn't going to end well if the siblings didn't both keep themselves controlled.

"She is my mate—confirmed by a healer. And she has not given to the voices. She's a good heart, and she's sharing everything she knows with you. And still you won't let her walk free. With me?"

"You don't seriously expect me to just shrug off the fact that she's been working with our enemies—the enemies not just of me and you, but our entire people? The prophesied enemies, Gar!"

"Trust me, no one is more aware of that than me. I won't let her out of my sight. She doesn't have our senses, or her technology. Our adolescents could track her."