Welcome Home


Walking Rika through the WildWood—as the crow flies, because they didn't want the tribes to realize Rika was there yet—was a unique gift.

Her appreciation of the beauty of his home, and the whispered conversation they had as they passed between the Great Trees fed his heart. She was weary, but like a child, eyes wide and curious, enjoying every step, asking questions about how the City worked and when she'd be able to see it. She exclaimed more than once that things looked different from the ground, and he was reminded that she'd seen a bird's-eye view of much of the City. And yet, she was thrilled.

Then they finally reached the tree line into the royal meadow and as it opened before them, Rika's eyes went even wider.

This time of year there were no flowers, and the sun was behind clouds today, but the meadow still looked inviting and when he showed her his tree… she almost fell over in excitement.