In Your Hands


"I… I need to sit down," Gar said gruffly, taking the few steps over to the couch and dropping into it. It felt like his knees might actually give under his weight. Gar shook his head again to clear it of the buzzing.

"Gar?" Rika followed him, her voice high with worry. "What's wrong?"

Gar lifted his head to meet her eyes, and selfishly he wanted to tell her. She stood almost at his toes, eyes wide, staring at him like he was about to pass out. He wasn't. He was just… overcome.

Instead, knowing that wouldn't be fair to her, he opened one palm and lifted it towards her, open. "Can I hold your hand while I say this?" he asked, sounding like a pathetic beta male, but Rika didn't even hesitate. She took the hand he offered, her own so much smaller than his, yet somehow fitting perfectly into his palm.