Need You


A tortured groan broke in Gar's throat as he pulled her closer, and for the first time, felt her give under his hands.

Oh, she'd shown desire before, even instigated kisses, and sought his touch—a little. But he'd always been able to feel her tension. Feel the way half her mind was watching, measuring, ready to flee.

But this…

Rika sobbed into his kiss and her hands clung, gripping his shoulders and clawing into his hair. She arched into him and pulled at his back, wanting more.

Gar didn't even think—it was instinct—he just leaned down and picked her up, one arm behind her knees, the other behind her shoulders.

She tensed and grabbed at him, but didn't scream. And didn't push him away.

Gar stepped back to the couch, seating himself and letting her ass slide into the corner between his thigh and the arm of the couch, her legs crooked over his thighs.