The Rite of Veneration - Part 1

EXCITING NEWS! In April, Privilege will COMPLETELY reboot! That means you can drop privilege completely without losing daily updates, or if you buy privilege (the tiers will be smaller) it will be ALL new content! We're on the downhill slide to THE END and there will be a MINIMUM of 2 chapters per day in April! Thank you for sticking this out with me. ENJOY!

(This message added after publication so you aren't charged for the words)



"Anima, Attend!" Elreth called, her voice strong and pure, echoing around the bowl so every person present was drawn to attention, their eyes fixed on his beautiful mate.

Around him, the disformed went silent, the tension in their bodies communicating, until they all hummed with the anticipation and dread of the moment.

Where the fuck was Gar? He couldn't miss this!