The Rite of Veneration - Part 2


Elreth stepped forward as the Serpent alpha—an oily male she had despised for years—slunk back to his position between the other Alphas, a smug look on his face.

"Return to me, Gerat," she said quietly, trusting that if any didn't catch her words, the others would fill them in.

The serpent Alpha, a dark haired, tall man rolled his eyes, but stepped forward to face her. "Your question will be answered, Gerat. Your challenge will be met, or receive submission."

The male smiled and nodded.

Elreth continued, through her teeth. "However… aside from this Rite, I call you as Queen and Dominant to answer for your own course. You call another tribe to account while offending your Dominant. You too, will answer. You will attend the council tomorrow morning and your peers will call support or challenge for your heart to lead. Return to your place among the Alphas," she snapped. "While you can," she added under her breath.