Safe Here


Creator's Mane, he wanted so badly for Rika to be okay.

He'd insisted she sit down on a fur in front of the fire, and when he was done making the bed, he came to join her, settling his long body down next to her and crossing his legs. Then, with only a slight hesitation, he urged her to move into his lap.

Rika grinned. "Is this going to be our thing? Are you trying to be my daddy?" she laughed nervously.

But Gar didn't even smile. "I just want to be close to you, and the way you're looking at me right now makes me nervous, so I want to show you that you're safe."

"I know I am, Gar. I told you, sex doesn't scare me. Love does."

He wasn't so sure anymore, given the thread of nerves in her scent. But she did as he asked and crawled into his lap, sitting sideways in the center of his crossed legs, her legs across his thigh, resting her head on his shoulder and hugging his waist.