

Heart pounding in his ears so he could barely hear himself think, Gar leaned her back into his hand, then lowered her to the furs.

It was a relief that she relaxed into his touch, but just to be safe, he was careful lowering himself over her, taking his weight on his elbows, not resting all of his weight on her.

But Rika wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down, her mouth open and seeking.

She surprised him with her enthusiasm, and even though he groaned for her, his body ached for her, he found himself watching her face, listening to her breathing, measuring her reaction when he dragged his hand into her hair, watching for any sign of tension, inhaling her scent to measure it for fear.

But there was none.

She breathed his name and her hands dragged down his back, gripping his waist and pulling his hips against hers.