What Really Happened


Gar let a growl putter in his throat when she turned her back on him to pace across the cave.

"I wouldn't allow another male to speak to you that way, do you think I'll allow you to do it?"

She whirled back around. "How do you plan to stop me? Put me in a baby carrier and nurse me through it, Dad?"

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm being ridiculous? You're the one who's scared to kiss me!"

"I'm not scared to kiss you!" he snarled.

"To touch me then. Or have me. I'm your mate according to you and half of freaking Anima and you just lost your boner because I'm too fudged in the head and you're worried I'll snap!"

"No," he said through his teeth, "I got worried about scaring you because I care about you and I want our first time to be special."

"How special are you feeling right now?"