Safe Word

I HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING YOUR HUGE MASS RELEASE DAY! Thank you for all of your support of this book and these characters (and me!) We're just a few weeks from THE END and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure we go out with a bang. So enjoy--there will be new chapters all day, double chapters every day, and maybe a few extra along the way...

(This message added after publication so you aren't charged for the words.)*****


Gar tensed. They were almost nose to nose, both of them breathing heavily, shoulders rising and falling. His body clamored to be closer, but his mind spun with all the ways that this was going desperately wrong.

"You want me to disregard all the pain you've been through, Rika?" he said softly, firmly. "I can't do it. I love you. I can't just… forget."