Beginning of the End

TOMORROW the month resets and the privilege tiers are rebooting COMPLETELY. Over the course of the day, 23 new chapters will be released to fulfill the new Top Tier (25 Chapters.) so by this time tomorrow, you can either drop privilege completely and still be caught up, or you can buy privilege for 100% new content! THANK YOU for all your support of this book. I am so grateful for you! (Added after publication so you aren't charged for the words)



Gar made an inappropriate joke about needing a mate, and Gahrye and Aaryn both rolled their eyes. Gahrye looked around for Reece, but he must have stayed inside, he was nowhere to be seen or smelled.

He rushed to reassure the males before they left. "I'll be there soon. I'll stay only as long as it takes to make sure all her questions are answered, then I'll return. We'll have to bring the anima through before… before."