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Heeding the warning Gahrye had given, Aaryn stepped into the traverse, nerves jangling just like they had the first time, because he still didn't know what to expect.

Gar's grip on his shoulder was iron, his fingers digging between muscle and bone, but Aaryn welcomed it. It grounded him. And they still didn't know what would happen if Gar let him go even when the voices were gone.

But once again, when they stepped into the dusty, dry cavern, there was nothing. No voices. No temptations. No threats. No attack.

Halfway across Aaryn felt Gar's grip relax, and Aaryn was able to breathe a little easier too. He didn't know a single Anima who'd crossed the traverse more than Gar. If his brother was feeling confident, Aaryn believed him.