[Bonus chapter] Never Again

THE ALL NEW PRIVILEGE REBOOT STARTS NOW! By the end of the day normal release times today the new privilege tiers will be all new content! I hope you enjoy all this content--and a minimum of 2 chapters per day for the rest of the month. THE END IS COMING!



When Gar dumped him unceremoniously in the Royal Meadow, he stood up and brushed himself off. He didn't look back and Gar and knew his brother wouldn't be looking back at him. He'd stolen enough time from them already.

Grateful, but nervous, he scanned the meadow. The sun was high enough to break across the thin grasses, which meant the lanterns had been on for at least an hour, if not more. And El often woke before the lanterns anyway.

Chances of her not having discovered his little jaunt were next to nothing. He sighed.