Not Yet, Not Ready


Assassins. That's what she meant. Gar nodded to his sister, but his mind fought.

This was all happening too quickly. 

They couldn't take this route yet. 

It was too fast—he hadn't had enough time with Rika. They hadn't even cemented the bond! He couldn't leave her—

"Excuse me, El," Rika said, pressing forward to stand at his side. "But you can't forget the technology, if—"

"I'm aware of where you stand on this, Rika. You've been heard. But it's out of our hands now. They're here. We have no choice but to fight."

His sister's scent spiked with that statement in a way he didn't like. What was she uncertain about? 

"But," Rika insisted, "You've forgotten about me. I could go, negotiate with them. Slow them anyway."

"Absolutely not!" Gar snarled. 

But Elreth paused, her brows rising as she considered Rika thoughtfully.

"No, El. She's a traitor. They'll kill her the moment they find her."