A Different Danger


When Gar agreed that she could go, could work, could help her heart leaped—and immediately plummeted. She prayed Gar wasn't paying enough attention, that he was distracted with the conversations with his sister and the intimidating Captain to notice her fear until she could get it under control. 

She cursed her own cowardice—then blinked. Because for once, she realized, it wasn't herself that she was terrified for. 

She had nerves, certainly. And there was no doubt she didn't want to leave Gar and the Anima and put herself back in the hands of her colleagues. She knew how ruthless their outlook was on this land and these people. But at least she knew them. She understood how they thought and how their world worked. 

No, the thing that made her teeth want to chatter now wasn't her own ability to navigate her own people, it was what might happen to Gar.