No Time Left - Part 3


Gar's mother, Elia, had urged her to sit on the edge of the bed, and even though it felt weird, Rika had been oddly eager to sit close to her. She felt uncomfortable about being included in all these little family conferences, but when Elia sat down next to her, she sighed and put her hand on Rika's knee.

"Thank you," the older woman said. "Thank you for loving Gar and for pushing on even when it's been so frightening."

Rika nodded. "He's easy to love."

Elia's face lit up even as tears welled in her eyes. "Yes, yes he is. And I'm so glad that you can see that. He needs you Rika… I need you to protect his heart for me. Please?"

"I… of course. But… how?"

Elia gave her a broken smile. "Tell him. Every day. Remind him that you love him. Remind him what he does that you admire. Because he's so strong, but you have to understand, he's strong because he's so easily wounded. He had to become strong to endure it."