No Time Left - Part 4


Gar stumbled up the stairs towards his mother, his head screaming in panic. This felt like his parents were saying goodbye, and it couldn't be that! But when he entered the bedroom, his mother and Rika were on their feet, hugging each other, both weeping, and he just stood there like a dumb fuck, staring at them.

When his mother pulled out of the embrace, her face pinched and she rolled her lips together like she was trying to swallow back emotion. But Rika hurried out, hugging Gar quickly, shoving something into the pocket of her leathers, her eyes shining with tears.

"Take whatever time you need," she said.

He felt like he was walking to his mother's death bed! But she was here and vital and—

When Rika closed the door behind her, the words erupted from him though he hadn't meant to attack her.

"What are you doing? What aren't you telling me? What are you hiding again?"