Just One Night


It all happened quickly after that. The crowd began to bubble with noise as the Protectors and Guards discussed what was happening and began to organize. Gar was grateful that the Guards, while clearly annoyed, still assisted the Protectors—some of them that had thought they were flying even helping the others carry bags or leaning in to advise about flying comfortably.

But when they'd started moving away, Gar once again found himself in a position to have to say goodbye to his beloved family with an audience. Even the idea turned his stomach. His skin itched with resistance to it, but there was no time. They'd gathered to leave, they'd determined who was going. Now they all had to lay down in the hammocks and let the birds do their work.

As everyone spread out, calling to their flying partners, or rushing for last farewells with family under the trees, Elreth was already busy issuing orders and clarifying details with Tarkyn.