Boulder Down a Hill


When he made it over to the hammocks, Rika and Reece were both standing there, looking around. Rika frowned, Reece just looked uncomfortable.

Gar walked him through a brief explanation of how the hammocks worked, what he needed to do to make it easier for the birds to carry him, and what he could expect at the other end.

"We're flying tonight until near dawn. We'll make it through more than half of the WildWood tonight, but we won't reach the Plains until early tomorrow night. So when you land it will be at our intended campsite. You'll be stiff from lying still for so many hours, so walk around a little before you bed down. But we'll be sleeping through the day, so find a shadowed corner somewhere. Just make sure you're inside the patrols."

Reece nodded. "I'll just go wherever," he mumbled. "I just… I just need something to focus on."