The Second Night


During the second night of travel, the scout bird maneuvered into the hammock with them, shifting to slide in at their feet. The others that were flying screeched their complaints but kept flying.

Reth stared at the male curled into the end of the large hammock.

"What's wrong?" he asked quickly.

"We can see the human convoy. Sometimes. Their shield is dropping at times and we can see the lights."

Reth growled, his arms tightening around Elia who'd sucked in a breath.

"Are we out of range of their weapons?"

"Too high for arrows," the bird replied, his voice almost whipped away by the wind of their passage.

Reth knew some of the human weapons were far more powerful, but he couldn't be sure whether it was even possible for the birds to fly out of range of them. "Where are they? How close to the portal?"