Her Last Time

If you like music while you read, try "You Are Mine" by Spencer Combs (feat. Holley Maher) or "All For You" by The Light The Heat. These two songs are Reth & Elia's songs from Volume 1 and Volume 4 of King of Beasts. I listened to both of them while I was writing this chapter.



The furs were tiny feathers, tickling his skin and raising goosebumps on his arms. His mate's warmth under him was the softest pillow, the most welcoming embrace. Her breathless voice in his ear was fuel to the lava-hot fire that burned in his chest.

He'd taken his time, kissing her from her toes to her temples, letting their skins rest together, tangling limbs, and fisting his hands in her hair just to feel it tight between the webs of his fingers. They hadn't spoken a word, just fallen into each other's arms, stroking slowly, as if they had all the time in the world.