Desperate for You


The elders and alphas hadn't left the cave until well after high moon. Aaryn had been held up last, giving orders to a messenger from the Protectors about allowing many of the new tribe members to bed down in the old cave, where there was space for them to stay together.

He'd agreed with the decision and told them to send a messenger anytime there was an issue. That he and Elreth would address it.

They were both exhausted, but Aaryn rushed back to the bedchamber to find Elreth standing at the end of the sleeping platform, her hands at her buttons like she was undressing, but she wasn't moving. Staring at the wall.

"El?" he whispered from the doorway, hesitating in case he'd missed something.

Elreth twitched, then turned to look at him over her shoulder, smiling absently. "I'm fine. Just tired," she said and started working on her buttons again.