
If you like music while you're reading, try "Dust and Gold" by Arrows to Athens. It's what I was listening to while writing this scene.



At some point, they'd curled up in the furs and she must have slept because she was aware of movement in the cave dragging her mind out of the dark silence. The sound of footsteps approaching the bedchamber made her tense.

Aaryn had either been awake, or woken faster, because he had already leaned over her, pulling the furs up to hide her from anyone who entered, and snarled, "Who's there?" while she was still blinking awake.

"I'm very sorry, Sires," the voice came quietly, deep, but tense. "But there's a messenger from the Protectors. He says it can't wait until morning. A… a traitor has been identified. The portal is at risk."