

Gar's entire body shuddered when the human alpha male laid his hands on his mate. Rika, obviously knowing how he would react, whispered her pleas to Gar—don't reveal yourself, it's not worth it. Don't show him who you are. Don't let them know. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.

But the growl wanted to rise in his throat, and his brothers pressed hard on both sides to remind him to stay in place.

"You're intelligent beings," the male said, all arrogance and certainty. Gar wanted to bare his teeth. But along with the others, he turned to watch. Rika had been turned to face them and she finally met his eyes, but wildly, and she didn't hold the gaze, just passed over him, meeting eyes with everyone in the line.

It was smart and thoughtful and showed that even in her panic, she was strong. But it made Gar's stomach clench.

The male yanked her to a halt and shook her by one shoulder. Gar tensed.