Survival of the Good

We're getting close to the end! There will be THREE chapters tonight. Enjoy!

If you like music while you read, try "Game of Survival" by Ruelle. It's what I was listening to while writing this!



With a roar of confusion, Gar was thrown off his feet, stumbling backward towards Rika as the earth trembled, then shifted and, to his disbelieving eyes, rippling in waves like water displaced and splashed on a lakeshore.

Screams of terror rose as the dirt under them rolled and rocked, throwing human and Anima alike off their feet. The Alpha of the humans bellowed a command, and more than one gun went off, but Gar felt nothing as he came to life, shifting, his beast snapping the bonds on his arms even as they cut into his flesh. He landed on all fours, his paws on the male's chest. Like a snake, he buried his fangs in the man's neck, then tore it free before the male had taken a single breath.