A Dangerous Item

Nolan's eyes narrowed. How did an outsider receive something from the Patriarch after they were raided by the army? Or did the mercenary went to fetch an item from the Patriarch before the raid happened?

Seeing Nolan's thoughtful expression, Stella smiled slightly.

"You know, you're free to ask any question. Since you're going to work for me as an exclusive mercenary, I'm not going to be stingy when sharing information."

"That's good then. So, when did you make contact with the Regis?"

Stella shook her head and replied, "We didn't. I've only come up with that based on the pieces of information from Malek's vision."

Nolan frowned, "Are you telling me I only have your words to rely on?"

"You know my magic works well with Malek's vision?" Stella replied without answering him.

"What the f*ck does that even-."

"It's better for you to see the vision yourself don't you think?"