
When Gage returned to Aeren Town, he soon noticed that the army dogs were spying on him.

He went back to the inn to give them the impression that he would stay for the night, but he slipped past them and journeyed outside the town as soon as he found a chance.

He decided to go on foot to the next town and take the train back to Starhorn.

After almost four hours of journeying, he found a safe spot to rest. He hunted a small beast for dinner, then took out a magic item to create a five-meter radius barrier with a camouflage effect. When he was done, he made a fire and roasted his dinner.

Before he used the magic item, Gage already surveyed the area with his magic sense. He was sure the army dogs were unable to follow him. But for some reason, he could not shake off the feeling that someone was spying on him.

Suddenly he felt the ice orb turned warm inside his robes. Of course, it was only his imagination. The more he became aware of the ice orb, the more it grew warmer.