
"Go!" Jax shouted right after Cade moved.

The three monsters roared. They moved to intercept Cade's advance.

Among the three, it was the minotaur who was ahead. Although the minotaur and the ogre's size difference was not apparent, he moved slower because the ogre's flesh had more weight than the minotaur. On the other hand, the cyclops moved slowly; however, he could still keep up because of his long strides, thanks to his long lower limbs.

Silver arrays circled Cade's obsidian gauntlets. He had no intention of avoiding these monsters. But he dare not neglect Jax and the other two captain's movements while he faced the summoned monsters.

Suddenly, the cyclops jumped.

The whole ground trembled, and Cade immediately stopped.

'Not good,' he thought with narrowed eyes as the cyclops raised his fists high above his head while in midair.

The other two monsters veered to the side. They avoided the spot where the cyclops would land while still running toward Cade.