The Flaw

'Humph,' Jax sneered as he saw the spear coming his way.

Before the spear reached him, the light red arrays he summoned finally connected and fully enclosed the whole area. Immediately, the area was engulfed by a light red veil, and all movements, magic activity, even the sound inside stopped.

The spear also stopped halfway and fell to the ground.

"What just happened?" Vera wondered out loud when the light red veil appeared.

From their standpoint, they could no longer see anything inside the enclosed field.

Luka's eyes narrowed. He had been under Jax's leadership for a couple of years now, but he had never seen Jax used his magic before. Looking at the enclosed field in front of them, Luka suddenly had an inkling that Jax's magic was not the main question here, but how he could create this 'veil'.

Jax was not a Magus, but this enclosed field looked like a domain.