Cool Your Heads!

Stella's blood ran cold as she heard Lumi's words. She turned to Kyran and immediately said, "Kyran, it's not like-."

"What did you say?" Kyran asked Lumi, completely ignoring Stella.

His tone carried an unmasked rage, and the air around him started to crackle.

Others might wonder about his sudden hostility. But given the situation of the Regis Clan, Kyran's suspicion was expected. Who was this person that claimed to be a Regis Emissary? Kyran was the grandson of the Regis Patriarch and knew everyone who had an important position in the clan. Why had he not met this person before? There was also Lumi's words 'newly appointed', which meant this guy was appointed recently. It might explain why Kyran had not met him, but why was he not in the estate if that was the case? Kyran clearly remembered his grandfather ordered every Regis clan member to return to celebrate his birthday.