Another Way To Noser

Kyran and the rest of the people Lumi took in her domain appeared back to the training room. Those left behind were curious as to what happened. But Kyran and the others acted as if what happened was nothing noteworthy. Thus, Noir and the others refrained from asking.

After settling the containers with the Theihorns, Malek asked Noir and Vaness for materials that Kyran needed. Once the materials arrived, Stella took Kyran, Lumi, and Silas to the Alchemy Chamber.

Kyran was not going to perform alchemy, but the Tower's Alchemy Chamber also had equipment that Array Specialists could use. Though he already had measuring tools and a cauldron, the Tower's Array Equipment was of higher quality, and their cauldron came in different sizes. Kyran's cauldron was too small for him to make the array ink.

The materials Kyran requested were indeed common. A piece of Duali parchment, a liquified low-grade spirit stone, and a feather quill made from will-o-wasp fur.