Quilin (2)

Kyran abruptly stopped his pursuit and hid behind a wall of a dilapidated house less than fifty meters away from the Quilin and the three Templar Code elite mages.

He felt a little unhappy after realizing that his Draconic core was resonating with his thoughts.

To be honest, when he learned of having a Draconic core, he had not fully adjusted to the idea of also possessing Draconic Magic. He was even feeling awkward referring to the Regis Blessing as such. However, he could not deny that the reason why his magic went out of control back at the Misty Forest was because of it.

However, the reason why he was unhappy right now was not that he possessed two powerful magic, but because he did not like having his own thoughts being influenced by another. Knowing one predecessor's experience affecting his emotions was already bad enough, now there were two.